
Gestational Diabetes & Obstetric Medicine

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Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is diabetes that occurs when you are pregnant. Like other types of diabetes, it affects how your cells use sugar. Gestational diabetes causes high blood sugar, which requires close monitoring and careful management to keep you and your baby healthy during pregnancy and birth.

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Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is diabetes that occurs when you are pregnant. Like other types of diabetes, it affects how your cells use sugar. Gestational diabetes causes high blood sugar, which requires close monitoring and careful management to keep you and your baby healthy during pregnancy and birth.

Why do I have gestational diabetes?

The body produces various hormones that work to keep our blood sugar levels in check. In pregnancy, these hormone levels change, which can make it harder for your body to process blood sugar efficiently. This can cause blood sugar to rise and gestational diabetes to develop.

We don’t always know why some women get gestational diabetes and others don't. It depends on many factors. Excess weight before pregnancy, family history of diabetes, age or a previous history of gestational diabetes can often play a role.

Can I treat gestational diabetes without medications?

Being diagnosed with gestational diabetes is a concern but there is a lot you can do to keep you and your baby healthy during your pregnancy. As endocrinologists, we work with you, your obstetrician and other professionals (usually a dietician and diabetes educator) to develop a plan to manage your gestational diabetes. The plan will usually include:

  • A gestational diabetes diet – to manage your carbohydrate intake so that your body can metabolise sugar naturally with the insulin you produce.

  • Healthy exercise – being physically active helps the body use up glucose without needing extra insulin.

  • More regular check ups – to monitor your blood sugar level and your baby's health, especially during the last three months of pregnancy.

  • Medication – some women may need medication to help manage gestational diabetes.

How can the endocrinologists at South Sydney Medical Specialists help me?

In our initial consultation we will take the time to discuss your condition, including how to monitor your blood glucose with a glucometer. We will provide you with a glucometer and assist you with NDSS registration. We will then go through carbohydrate counting and the diet that you will need to be on. We also provide our doctor’s email for a 24-hour support. Basically, you will receive all the support you need in one place, without the stress and hassle of going to different places for different things.

Will gestational diabetes harm my baby?

It is important to manage gestational diabetes carefully because high blood sugar levels can cause problems for you and your baby. Complications that may affect your baby including an increased risk of excessive birth weight requiring surgical intervention, early labour and breathing difficulties. Gestational diabetes also raises your risk of gestational hypertension (high blood pressure) and preeclampsia, a serious complication of pregnancy. Your baby will not have diabetes from birth but may be at higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes later in life.

What is gestational hypertension?

Gestational hypertension is high blood pressure that develops in pregnancy. This condition can be linked with gestational diabetes. It may affect blood flow to the uterus and placenta and lead to serious complications including preeclampsia. Increased monitoring and often medications are essential to prevent the condition from getting worse. 

What can I do if I have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes? 

Being diagnosed with gestational diabetes can be a scary time. The team at South Sydney Medical Specialists can help you look after your health, nourish your baby and reduce the risk of further complications during pregnancy.

For more information about gestational diabetics and obstetric medicine, please contact our friendly team.